12k spar wins (u can grind 500wins more for 12.5k mask or gun) 210k Gralats 30k+Plasma kills Raffica(Auction gun) Bar(around 5skins) Ion bow(95ec) Katana(35ec) +38ec Magmaspell book(Non-tradable the fastest heal staff/8k plasma coins) Photon shield (1k plasma coins) 4k Plasma coins 8.6k GC Bunch of VIP items All hide and seek hats (12 hats) Trivia hat (Trivia event hat)+20pages+hat Around 180 gifts(90k gralats) [40 fishing level /30k show pizzas] Etc (bunch of guns like m4,akimbo,ksg,+20+ guns) Only got 4 warn(not this yr) Disc me: Lyo#1608 Paypal only