First account: 5 Star Ryoma (+Def -Spd) Hector (Neutral IVs) Azura (Neutral IVs) Takumi (+Atk -Res) Mae (+Spd -Hp) Raven (+Atk -Spd) Nowi (not sure yet leveling to 40) Eirika (+Atk -Res) Camus +1 Has Grand Hero Battle 4 Star Zephiel, two Clarisse, Lloyd, and Michalis 3 Star Zephiel, Legion, and Clarisse. Has 4 Star Lon'qu and Abel as cannon fodder. Max level for castle. Has 2k feathers, will continue going up as I play. Second account: will list later their IVs and more later 5 Star Ryoma +2 Lilina Chrom Bridal Lyn Azura Takumi Third account: will list later their IVs and more later 5 Star Ike Ryoma Takumi