Sold Selling smn nirvana ag,apogee +1 4/5,2x stikini ring +1, 2x varar ring +1, kraken club

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by feistypangolin, 10/3/17.

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  1. feistypangolin

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    MASTER smn nirvana ag,apogee +1 4/5,2x stikini ring +1, 2x varar ring +1, kraken club(original NA)

    Activation Key: yes

    Server Xfer is Available
    SE Q&A YES!

    Mercenary Rank: Mercenary Captain! Ready to create mythics!
    Zilart: Complete!
    Promathia: Complete!
    Dynamis: All Access!
    ToAU: Complete!
    WotG: Complete!
    Adoulin: Complete!
    Voidwatch: Complete!
    Abyssea: Complete!
    Value in misc. 300m+ in sellables


    High end Master SMN with almost all the gears you dreamed of, a lot of sellable items and game currency. open to play any mages role such as BRD, "Sch 1200 JP +"

    Bid Start $1400 Buyout $1600
    Payment: Paypal
    PM with Skype ID in my profile
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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