Selling Selling Smite Godpack 332 SKINS (Lot of limited , 2 times Oddysee, Season Tickets (3)

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by Steef_000, 9/7/17.

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  1. Steef_000

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    Hey there!
    I stopped playing SMITE because of private reasons. I played this game a lot for over 3 years and I invested quite some money in it.
    Below my account details (PC).

    Skins 332
    Wards 43
    Icons 61
    Masteries 75

    Gods Diamond 8: Kali, Xbal, Neith, Arachne, Poseidon, Thor, Apollo, Hou Yi
    Gods Legendary 10, Fenrir, He bo, Merc, Janus, Medusa, Kukulkan, Chiron, AO, Rama, AMC
    Limited skins 31: Zeus SWC, Thor Ragnarok, Dragon Knight AO, Last laugh loki, Vicous Apollo, Griffindwarf, Iron Crow
    Exclusive skins: 58

    Loading frames 10: Oddysees, Season tickets, viking, underworld, japanese and season frames
    Announcer packs 12: Bart, Inuki, Khepri, Drybear, Swagni, Hinduman etc.
    Emotes 8: global emotes like fireworks, gg etc
    Voice packs (all except last 2 gods)
    Music themes 5
    Recall skins: 4
    Ranked qualifying so you can master your own rang!

    Clan skins completed
    Clan LVL 8
    Events completed:

    Season ticket 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 completed
    Viking event completed
    Escape from the underworld completed
    Oddysee 2015 almost completed
    Oddysee 2016 completed
    Oddysee 2017 almost completed
    Summer of SMITE 2016 completed
    Summer of SMITE 2015 almost completed

    Several smaller events completed
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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