I originally made this account back in 2013 so it's about 4 years old. I don't play smite anymore so I'm trying to find a new home for my account. Over $600 spent on smite with this account. I am definitely up for bargain -God Pack (Have all gods and all future gods for free) (Limited) = Will NEVER be available EVER again (Exclusive) = ONLY available through exclusive promotions or events Very Noteworthy Skins... Poolseidon (Limited) Cacodemon (Limited); Star Slayer (Limited); Void Wyrm (Limited); Red Star (Limited); Winter Olympian (Limited); Derpules (Exclusive); Nuclear Winter (Exclusive); Skins: 204 God Skins (No Favor and Clan Skins listed) (No Emotes listed) VP: Voice Pack Agni - Volcanic; Curse Agni (Exclusive); Triumph & Agni (Exclusive); VP Ah Muzen Cab - Dark Whisperer; Solid Hornet (Limited); VP Amaterasu - Shining Heaven; Ordo Solarus; VP Anhur - Olympian; FNATIC (Exclusive); Star Slayer (Limited); Golden; VP Anubis - Gravehound; Stargazer; Convention 2016 (Exclusive); VP Ao Kuang - Dragon Knight (Limited); VP Aphrodite - Afro-dite; Beach Babe (Exclusive); Golden; Apollo - Elite Agent; Team Solomid (Exclusive); Curse Voice (Exclusive); Golden; VP Arachne - Black Widow; Grim Weaver; Ares - Diamond Sword; Soldier of Fortune (Exclusive); VP Artemis - Wrangler; Convention 2012 (Exclusive); Stalker (Exclusive); Primal Huntress (Exclusive); VP Athena - Red Star (Limited); Winter Olympian (Limited); Peacekeeper; Enforcer (Exclusive); Liberté (Exclusive);Golden;VP Awilix - VP Bacchus - Father Chrishmash (Exclusive); VP Bakasura - Death Machine; Feaster Bunny (Exclusive); Bastet - Covert ops; VP Bellona - Torment; Furiona (Exclusive); Spl 2016 (Exclusive); Golden; Legendary; Diamond; VP Cabrakan - VP Chaac - Slaughter House; Boom Chaac-a-laka; Cloud9 (Exclusive) Chang'e - Sun's Bride; Moonlight Love (Exclusive); Lunar Tango (Exclusive); Chiron - Chevalier; Chronos - Fallen Lord; VP Cupid - Lil' Devil; Bizzy B; Fenrir - Wreck the halls (Exclusive); Freya - Frost Maiden; Valkyrie; Pixel Buster (Exclusive); All For One! (Exclusive); VP Geb - G.E.B 1; Life's A Beach (Exclusive); VP Guan Yu - Master Guan **; Hades - Soultaker; He Bo - He bro; VP Hel - Solstice; Jingle Hel (Exclusive); Hercules - Grand Slam; Derpules (Exclusive); La Roca (Exclusive); Hunkules (Exclusive); VP Hou Yi - Moon's Groom; Grim Eclipse (Limited); Iron Crow (Limited); VP Hun Batz - Space Monkey; Shaolin Monk-ey; VP Isis - Scarlet Coven; Denial (Exclusive); VP Janus - Jandroid; Ba5s drop (Exclusive); VP Kali - Crimson Death; Convention 2013 (Exclusive); Trophy Hunter (Exclusive); Skaliwag (Exclusive); Khepri - VP Kukulkan - Scared Dragon; Kuku (Exclusive); Void Wyrm (Limited); VP Kumbhakarna - VP Loki - Infiltrator; White Death; Golden; Legendary; VP Medusa - Idusa (Exclusive); Golden; VP Mercury - Run.exe (Exclusive); Shaolin Fury (Exclusive); VP Ne Zha - Cyber Punk; Golden; Neith - Ms. Diagnosis; Buccaneith (Exclusive); Instakill (Exclusive); VP Nemesis - Blind Vengeance; AFK (Exclusive); Leona JPF (Exclusive); Executioner (Limited); Golden; Legendary;Diamond;VP Nox- Madame Darkness; Grim Shadow (Limited); Nu Wa - Nice and Naughty (Exclusive); Water Dancer (Exclusive); Nu Horizons (Exclusive); Odin - Mountain Man; Daimyodin; Poseidon - Dreadbeard; Poolseidon (Limited); VP Ra - Solar Eclipse (Exclusive); Alienware ra (Exclusive); Ra'merica (Exclusive); Sunstar (Limited); Rama - Orbital Strike (Exclusive); Dignitas (Exclusive); Ratatoskr - Ragnatoskr (Exclusive); VP Ravana - Rock from bisrakh (Exclusive); King of the ring (Limited) Scylla - Daisy Despair; CoG Scylla; VP Serqet - Madame Blade; Desert Queen; Dread Queen (Exclusive); Demonsoul; Ebonsoul (Limited); VP Sobek - High Seas; VP Sol- Epsolon (Exclusive); Sun Wukong - Dark Lord; Sylvanus - Dr Vanus (Limited); Thanatos - Jack The Reaper (Exclusive); VP Thor - Heavy Metal; Blood Eagle; Tyr - Privatyr; Sock Puppetyr (Exclusive); Golden; Legendary; Diamond; VP Ullr - The Survivor; Berserker (Limited); VP Vulcan - Sentry; Warforged; Titan (Exclusive); Xbalanque - Shinobalanque; Jaguar Footballer (Exclusive); Football Star 2014 (Limited); Weltmeister 2014 (Limited); SPL2015NA (Limited); SPL2015EU (Limited); Golden; VP Xing Tian - Iron Tyrant (Limited) Ymir- Obsidian Shard; Digi-mir 9000; Nuclear Winter (Exclusive); Cacodemon (Limited); VP Zeus- Strombringer; Uncle Zeus (Exclusive); SWC 2016 (Limited); Zhong Kui- G.I.Zhong; VP Other: - Level 30 Beta Account - 204 God Skins - 59 Icons - 6 Loading Frames - 2 Pedestals - 24 Ward skins - 5 Global emotes - 1 Recall Skin - 6 Announcer packs - 2 Music Theme - Email not included but will change the current email to one of yours. Different payment methods- $450 in Steam gift cards WILL take payment through paypal Contact me at: Discord: SeeSombie#4216 Email: [email protected]