Selling Selling Smite Account | Level 16 | 29 Skins | Has Limiteds/Exclusives | + More

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by Catie Minx, 9/3/17.

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  1. Catie Minx

    Catie Minx
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    Spent over $100 worth of gems on this account: Has 2 summer skins (Exclusive of course), Has limited skins from the adventures section, I believe I have 5 limiteds, many bought skins and many voice packs, It also has 2 loading frames, 3 music to pick, tons of wards, many pictures, one jump stamp, the summer pedestal (The fish tank one) and more, add me up if interested.

    Has god pack too.

    Looking for around $20 for this account (It's around 2-3 years old too)

    Post any contact information if interested.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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