Sold Selling SL-E 5 star most geared gunner prob on NA

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gr0g, 7/13/17.

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  1. gr0g

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    +21 75 boundless chest piece (knowledge 7 x3, knowledge 9 x3)
    +15 75 ap pants (mb/ma 29/8 x4, knowledge 10 x2)
    +15 77 boundless shoes (knowledge 7 x6)
    +14 75 ap shoulders (mb/ma 29/8 x4, knowledge 9 x2)
    +15 75 ap shoes (mb/ma 29/8 x2, knowledge 9x4)
    Full MR set with +3 dredge hat
    Full SR/pdef set +16
    Full MA set

    +4 75 ap hat
    +7 75 ap necklace
    +5 75 ap earring x2
    +7 77 boundless ring
    +5 75 ap ring
    +7 77 boundless belt
    +20 70 ap wings with shield skill (best skill)
    +8 mb/crit spell plume
    +7 bracelet mb/ma 29/8x2

    +20 lvl 80 pistol mb/ma 29/8x6
    75 ap pistol mb/ma 29/8x6
    +15 lvl 80 tier 1 aethercannon with 75 ap combine mb/ma 29/8x12
    +5 dredge aethercannon
    extra 75 ap combine cannon
    other weapons/gear all included

    Other Assets:
    Full denku skin! A pet full of skins from luna etc.
    2 +5 estimas
    120 spinel medals
    8m ap
    Mounts/Pets/Buff pets etc
    Augment bundles, elite comp bundles x20, random manastones
    Stigmas all +6 or higher (up to +9)
    5 star with seeds

    This gunner has everything you need/want and has enough resources to get missing parts. PM me for more questions etc. Thanks for looking~
    Price is $500 on PA or trusted middleman here. PM me here for fast replys.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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