Selling Selling Skyforge NA Account (PC) 133 Prestige 324k might $300

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by VanguarDsz, 12/7/17.

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  1. VanguarDsz

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    This is the list of all details of the account:

    133 Prestige Rank
    323,872 Might
    Junior God is fully unlocked so one more which is the god of magic to unlock the elder god
    Bastions are almost fully upgraded
    almost all trophy are bought
    almost all gear are gen 8
    a lot of mount including the legendary one which is the robot and Pegasus

    all of the classes are unlock except the new one.

    the reason that I'm selling the account is because I'm not gonna play it anymore because of school so I don't have time for it.

    PM me here or message me in WhatsApp: 1 (506) 721-9900 or in line:1 (506) 721-9900 for screenshot or more information.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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