Selling Selling Skyforge account for sale/2.3million prestige(eu)

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ga00mo, 1/2/17.

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  1. ga00mo

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    Im selling my skyforge account if you are intersted please contact with me here (eu)
    details :

    prestige: 2.4 million

    premium account status: -
    account is connected to my Facebook. account

    characters: all characters unlocked 80% of them completed

    gods: 4gods unlocked most are completed to 60%(hunt-au-travel-knowledge)
    Rings and weapons: most are purple quality (3third generation) 2 epic rings orange quality for damage dealers

    symbols: unlocked most of them except laboratory symbols which needs less effort (I already have them but not fully upgraded) and the pvp symbols are unlocked also

    order: 2 orange chapel and other is purple and all +18 lv
    Mounts: 3 or 4 are permanently unlocked

    event: paid over 300 eurs on events and packs
    Costumes: alot of event and pack costumes

    Also I spent alot of money boosters and special nods
    create the account 2 years ago
    the account is powerful for tanking and damage dealers

    price: 50 eurs :eek: very cheap

    thank you
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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