Sold Selling Sky Children of the Light account

Discussion in 'Sky Combat War Planes SCWP Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by L Worthing, 7/11/21.

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  1. L Worthing

    L Worthing
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    My Location:
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    I started playing on March 26 2020 and I've been an active player. I'm leaving the game because I'm busy and doesn't get much time to play anymore. So, I wish to sell my account away.
    * All constellations are completed 100% with elders rewards.
    * This account has 90% of the cosmetics, instruments and 97% of the emotes from every spirits including travelling spirits.

    * It has five season passes with all the emotes and rewards.
    1. Enchantment
    2. Prophecy
    3. Dreams
    4. Assembly
    5. Little Prince
    * IAP items:
    1. Witch hat
    2. Swing
    3. Ocean cape
    4. Ocean necklace
    * Event items:
    1. Christmas cape, chair, neckwear
    2. Chinese newyear hat, rose mask
    3. Blossom sakura cape and hair
    4. Rainbow cape and earring
    It also has Many spells and 160+ hearts in reserve .
    Account : Nintendo account with gmail account linked to it.

    If you're interested please send me a message on my discord : Hajime#7344
    I'll send you screenshots on discord.

    Thank You.

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    #1 L Worthing, 7/11/21
    Last edited: 7/11/21
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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