Selling [Selling] sk1llzHub presents External Privat CS2 Cheat

Discussion in 'Counter Strike 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell CS2 Accounts' started by Sk1llzHubz, 12/20/23.

  1. Sk1llzHubz

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    Hello everybody and welcome to sk1llzHub!

    We´re proud to present our EXTERNAL & PRIVAT CS2 Cheat!

    What kind of features are included?
    • Hidden (hides the overlay from capture)
    • Console (hides the cmd)
    • Silent (turns off the sounds, beeps and TTS)
    • Program FPS (the frame rate of the program, affects the visuals and the aimbot)

    • Show fov (shows a circle for your aimbot fov)
    • Auto throw (jumps, runs, crouches, etc for you)
    • Auto switch (switches to the knife and back to the primary after shooting with a sniper)
    • Zeus bot (shoots the taser gun (zeus) when you're looking at an enemy and close enough to hit them)
    • Grenade Helper (shows you the grenade spots, use auto throw to automate the throws) // IMPORTANT: U MUST HAVE W BINDED TO +forward
    • Anti clutter (stops showing the visuals on the player you're shooting at, for better vision)
    • Spectator list (shows a list with players spectating you on the left)
    • Bhop (auto jumps for you) // IMPORTANT: U MUST HAVE mwheeldown BINDED TO +jump AND UNBIND SPACE
    • Deathmatch mode (aims at and shows the visuals on team mates)
    • Sensitivity (your in-game sensitivity)

    • Outline thickness (outline of the visuals)
    • Audible only (shows the visuals only when the enemy is stepping, shooting, jumping)
    • Color visible check (changes the color to red when the enemy is visible)
    • Box (a bounding box around the enemy)
    • Skeleton (lines and circle that represent the enemy's skeleton/bones)
    • Name (the name and distance of the enemy)
    • Weapon (the Weapon of the enemy)
    • Hp bar (a bar that represents the health of the enemy)
    • Armor bar (a bar that represents the armor of the enemy)
    • Flags (shows whether the enemy is defusing/rescuing/has a kit)
    • Show in spectator mode (show the visuals while dead)
    • Dynamic crosshair (recoil and no scope crosshair)
    • Crosshair ESP (uses binds to tell you if you're looking at an enemy, you can use bind p "cl_crosshaircolor 5"; bind l "cl_crosshaircolor 1"; or any other binds)

    • Aimkey (the aimbot key)
    • Second Aimkey (the aimbot second key)
    • Aim visible check (visibility check for the aimbot)
    • Head chance (how often it selects the head)
    • Head only (forces head only selection)
    • Humanize (alters the smoothing randomly to make it a little non-linear)
    • Prediction (tries to predict where the target is going to be based on your & their velocity) (really good for high smooth users)
    • Prediction factor (how far it preaims, you have to adjust this based on your smooth)
    • RCS X (the X axis strength of the recoil control system)
    • RCS Y (the Y axis strength of the recoil control system)
    • Smooth (the speed/smoothness of the aimbot)
    • Fov (the field of view of the aimbot)
    • Stop in air (stops aiming when you are airborne)
    • Triggerbot Key (shoots for you when you are on the target)
    • Triggerbot shot delay (the delay between the trigger tapping in ms)
    • Triggerbot hitbox size (how close your crosshair must be to the target for the trigger to activate)

    ✅ Everything is stream/capture proof.
    ✅ Works on all windows versions.

    Where can u find us?
    Visit the sk1llzhub Discord: sk1llzHub

    Daily: 8,00 €
    1 Week: 15,00 €
    1 Month: 30,00 €
    3 Months: 75,00 €
    6 Months: 135,00 €
    12 Months: 250,00 €
    Lifetime: 199,99€


    CS2 Video Footage
    Visit sk1llzhub Discord for video footage or download here:

    #1 Sk1llzHubz, 12/20/23
    Last edited by a moderator: 2/3/24
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