Selling Sin and Mitra 10 pvp and more alts(more legendary cloak and nice gear)

Discussion in 'Age of Conan Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fredrikson, 1/20/17.

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  1. Fredrikson

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    Hello all.Seling nice acc details below.All char in Crom.Prem 10 days.
    Ru payment
    sin(male) 10 pvp t4 almost full, legendary cloak and t3 pvp gear,AA full.See screen
    mitra(female) 10 pvp legendary cloak ,T4 full,purple runes and purple shop rings,t4 weapon and t3 pvp gear See screen
    Hox(female] 6 pvp.More more nice gear.T4 full besides chest,purple runes,legendary cloak and purple shop rings,t4 weapon.See screen.
    necro(female 6 pvp) legendary cloak 4 pieces t6 gear and t2 pvp gear,purple runes and purple shop rings,t3 weapon.See screen
    demo(male) 5 pvp legendary cloak t1-t2 pvp and t4 legs
    Barb(male) 4 pvp legendary cloak t3.5 2h axe and purple shop ring and t4 legs.See screen.
    bs(female) 2 pvp donate t2 pvp gear
    tos(female) 2 pvp t4 t6 khitai gear and legendary ring(chaos gem emandua) and purple ring(chaos gem emandua)See screen
    dt(female) 0 pvp t4(1 pieces) t6(2 pieces) and more nice items-2 purle rings (twilight gem)See screen


    Bidding, will consider all offers Skype Fredrikson1976
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