This is my personal account, its connected to Uplay, will give full support for a smooth and easy transaction. Exotic armor: Coyote's, Vile mask, Ridgeway pride, tardigarde, BTSU gloves, Imperial dynasty, Waveform, Dodge city, Memento, Acosta, ninjabike, sawyer's. Exotic weapons: All except raid exclusives/Lady death/Nemesis. God rolled white death/m1a/dark winter and many more. (Ruthless and Lullaby skins) Optimized builds DPS/Status/Skill/Support/Tank/PVP all sets, some god rolls, can do legendary content. Hunk outfit, Spe******t outfit, Mechanic outfit, Moongose outfit and alot more. All specs cept firewall maxed but most of the important skills are unlocked. Season level 100, manhunt 75%. Payment method Paypal only, will supply screenshots on demand from the buyer. Price 70€ Discord: OnSlaught#2633 Cheers!