Hi guys. I'm selling my SH 30 with 130M power + 5 farms in a nice and peaceful kingdom, simply for the reason that I'm bored of the game and in need of money and want to move on. Here's some info about the account: * SH 30 with all training grounds 30. * 130M power * Top 6 individual leaderboards * In top 2 alliance * Over 1.3m troops * Lord level 44 * Dragon level 43 * Purple equipment set with 3 valor gems (Also purple Iseult) * VIP 9 * Kingdom: 141 Images of the account: https://prnt.sc/heuxd3 | https://prnt.sc/hev1oz | https://prnt.sc/hev1vf | https://prnt.sc/hev24o | https://prnt.sc/hev2cn | https://prnt.sc/hev3du | https://prnt.sc/hev3k6 I'm selling it for $1000. Shoot me a message on line or on here for further details and negotiations. Line id: ryhnn91. Thanks! Kind regards, Ryhnn.