Sold Selling sf|hm11-791ap-eugroup2-really,leg acc/pet/ss(pve-pvp)300€

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by darmax89, 3/13/17.

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  1. darmax89

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    i sell SF group 2 EU, upgraded to 791 ATM
    it has leg necklace ring stage 6+ ,
    leg pet
    full set of leg SS for pvp and Pve
    100+ Bg wins
    all bedges
    all Hm skills
    Ready for last RAIDS of BT
    in vault still lot of mats to continue upgrade.
    in ACCOUNT there is a BM and a wl with 650ap to farm every dngs in game.
    premium left 20days.
    I accept only trade with KFM near 800ap.
    only owner email and password dedicated.
    pm or reply to more info

    - - - Updated - - -

    i sell SF group 2 EU, upgraded to 775 ATM but with red gems u see in picture to bring 780ap.
    it has leg necklace ring stage 6+ ,
    leg pet
    full set of leg SS for pvp and Pve
    100+ Bg wins
    all bedges
    all Hm skills
    Ready for last RAIDS of BT
    in vault still lot of mats to continue upgrade.
    in ACCOUNT there is a BM and a wl with 650ap to farm every dngs in game.
    premium left 20days.
    I accept only trade with KFM near 800ap.
    only owner email and password dedicated.
    pm or reply to more info
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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