Sold Selling SEVEN Lv56s / $200 pearl / Pets / Outfits / Maid

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vizions, 3/6/17.

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  1. Vizions

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    I wrote a big updated description of this account but it bugged and didn't post, here is a summary rather than extreme detail. I have a decade of rep, all transactions I do are permanent and safe. For more info, contact me.

    In short, the account is unique compared to what you will find here. The E/CP is 70/100 + and the estimated net worth of the account is around 5-600 million with around $200 worth of pearl investment.

    The 56s include a tamer w/ quested inventory and skilled5 cooking and afk fishing skill, kunoichi, dark knight, maewha, witch w/ 1000 pearl weight and quested inventory, valkyrie w/ 1700 pearl weight and enslar costume, musa w/ 2400 pearl western outfit.

    x1 storage maid, x4 pets [x3 bird x1 dog all lvl 10 of tier 1].

    Outline of nodes: 5-6 fishing nodes above velia, node system that reaches and has investments of lvl 5-7 at helms, manes, sausans. Additionally, investment further east in cadry.

    Outline of gear: PRI Agerian w/ PRI Zereth chest, PRI blue corals, blue coral earrings, ancient weapon set. est value 150mil.

    Weapons: Had most recently played musa as main, has +15 mh/oh and TRI green farming awaken wep. est value 180-200mil.

    Fluid silver between 100 and 140 mil.

    If you want indepth description, PM me. Olvia until MAR12.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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