Sold Selling Seven Knights Account Arena 4300+ Lots of 40 Heroes CHEAP

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by duchan, 9/20/16.

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  1. duchan

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    Selling my Seven Knights Account
    the Account is prepared for the upcoming awakening of Evan Karin Jupy etc.

    Topaz 400
    Special Heroes
    Ace 38
    Dellons 40
    Eileene 40
    Lubu 30 (4star in Iventory)
    Wukong 30
    Rudy 34
    Spike 32
    Rachel 30
    Jave 30
    4* Kris
    4* dellons
    4* Wukong
    4* rachel

    6 stars
    Tsubaki 40
    Giparang 40
    Yu Shin 40
    Da Qiao 40
    Guan Yu 40
    Lina 40
    Alice 40
    Black Rose 40
    Ming Ming 40
    Sieg 40
    Shane 40
    Nia 40
    Ruri 40
    May 40
    Karin 40
    Evan 40
    Velika 40
    Jupy 40
    Daisy 36
    Lucy 40
    Xiao 32

    All Units Above are +5 mostly eq and unlocked

    Chancellor 32
    Bai Long 30
    Bi Dam 30

    Arena is around 4300+ usually

    Selling only via Middleman
    paypal only

    add me on Line :deftsu94
    or gmail
    [email protected]

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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