Hi, I wanna sell my seven Knights I'd because I don't have time to play anymore. 7k/4l : Lubu b6 lvl 32 gold frame ace b6 lvl 32 gold frame wukong lvl 30 rudy b6 lvl 32 gold frame Eileen's b6 lvl 32 gold frame rachel b6 lvl 32 gold frame jave b6 lvl 36 gold frame dellons b6 lvl 30 raid team damage : 800k +++ / run other heroes b6 lvl 40 : shane jupy espada sieg lina other heroes b6 : guan yu lvl 38 leejung lvl 32 velika lvl 32 hellenia lvl 32 daisy lvl 32 lucy lvl 32 xiao lvl 30 fengyan lvl 30 nia lvl 30 karin lvl 30 karon lvl 30 many b5 heroes and element equipment many seven knight item and dragon item open price $200 # if u interest pm me with ur offer And I will give u more detail about my id thx very much