Selling Seven knight server Asia level 41

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Deddy CL, 7/17/16.

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  1. Deddy CL

    Deddy CL
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    Hi, I wanna sell my seven Knights I'd because I don't have time to play anymore.

    7k/4l :
    Lubu b6 lvl 32 gold frame
    ace b6 lvl 32 gold frame
    wukong lvl 30
    rudy b6 lvl 32 gold frame
    Eileen's b6 lvl 32 gold frame
    rachel b6 lvl 32 gold frame
    jave b6 lvl 36 gold frame
    dellons b6 lvl 30

    raid team damage : 800k +++ / run

    other heroes b6 lvl 40 :

    other heroes b6 :
    guan yu lvl 38
    leejung lvl 32
    velika lvl 32
    hellenia lvl 32
    daisy lvl 32
    lucy lvl 32
    xiao lvl 30
    fengyan lvl 30
    nia lvl 30
    karin lvl 30
    karon lvl 30

    many b5 heroes and element
    equipment many seven knight item and dragon item

    open price $200 #

    if u interest pm me with ur offer And I will give u more detail about my id

    thx very much
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  2. Blaive

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    I am interested message me how much and the IGN
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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