Sold Selling Server Chronos - Healer 99

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DevilSanty, 10/11/16.

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  1. DevilSanty

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    Selling In Chronos Server:

    Healer Lv99 / Dual: Feoh 94 / Subs 80/80
    Race: Elf Male
    Set: R99 Robe set +3/+4/+5 with +3 sigil / Tw robe set +3/+4 with +3 sigil
    Weap: Apocalypse Buster with Acumen/Soul
    Jewels: Tw jewel set + Blessed Freya +4 and Frintezza Soul Necklace +4
    Hair Accessory: CON+Crit Rate and WIT+Crit Rate
    Dyes: CON +10 WIT +5
    Shirts: +5 Shiny Elemental Shirt and +5 Maphr's Shirt
    Bracelet: Aria's Bracelet + CON
    Skills: Brilliant Purge +10 / Lumi +10 / Giant's Favor +10 / Party Celestial +10/ Brilliant Heal +6 / Balance Heal +3
    Talisman: Desire Talisman
    Ability Points: 11 ap at the time

    Western Union payment prefered
    300€ (Euros/345$ USD) Negociable (Extra account offer to the buyer) pm for info
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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