Sold Selling Server 11, 1kk AHP, VIP12, LVL103 Account for sell

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SZXone, 7/10/17.

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  1. SZXone

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    Selling my Heroes Charge Account as I don´t have time to play the game..

    Server 11
    1kk AHP
    1K Gems
    A few million of gold
    A lot of red heroes
    Almost all VIP heroes
    Arena rank between 150-250 same as in grand arena
    You can see some screenshots on dropbox:

    As I don´t have any price in mind, feel free to tell me yours I´m only accepting PayPal

    contact me on skype: dlainght
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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