Selling Selling well-known competitive account 650+ followers

Discussion in 'Xbox Live Accounts For Sale - Buy Sell XBOX Account' started by Fortran, 4/10/17.

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  1. Fortran

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    The gamer tag is a very well known tag amongst the
    Destiny community.

    So I am willing to change it to a nice 4-letter tag that I have reserved via a silver account.

    It has over 650+ followers, and many games including..

    Destiny, Halo 5, Fifa 16, Fifa 17, Black Ops 3, IDARB, Minecraft, Rainbow 6 Seige.
    Some of these are physical disks but I have no problem sending them via post.

    When I say the account is well-known, I mean that it has been the account
    of a successful destiny streamer who no longer requires it, the account is ranked among the top 20
    in the UK for game modes within Destiny, and is in the top 0.01% in the world.

    The account has taken part in Destiny tournaments and has been very successful in them. The amount of value
    in the Destiny account alone will make this account fairly pricey.

    The original tag is not a short one, it's 8 letters long but is a word and looks very nice, it's probably worth more
    than the 4-letter, but if you don't want the attention that will come with the 8-letter
    tag then I will happily change it for the 4 letter one which also looks very nice.

    I would recommend that you already play Destiny if you want this account as it would be extremely beneficial for you in terms of reputation and
    also end-game gear. It has pretty much everything you need in the game as I have spent almost 1500 hours on the game.

    Only message if you are willing to make a serious offer as this account is worth a lot.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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