Sold [Selling] Selling Warmane account

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (US)' started by Chilkata, 3/3/24.

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  1. Chilkata

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    Hello everyone! I have played this account for 5 years, but decided to go to Blizzard and now i want to sell this one.
    I'm selling it only with the E-mail I made for the account specifically.
    It has some pretty original names.
    Everything is farmed with time and gold transfered to coins. Donated only for the insta log in.
    The chars has the achievments NM/HC ICC/RS (not everyone)

    I got 9255 achievment points on Chil, titles such as The Insane/The Undying/Conqueror of Ulduar/Bane/LoD etc (42 total)
    The rare mounts are:

    *Swift White Hawkstrider
    *Swift Zulian Tiger
    *Swift Razzashi Raptor
    *Raven Lord
    *The Horseman's Reins
    *Swift Brewfest Ram
    *Reins of the Black Drake
    *Reins of the White Polar Bear
    *Sea Turtle
    *Invincible's Reins
    *Whistle of the Venomhide Ravasaur
    *Reins of the Ironbound Proto-Drake
    *Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake

    *Swift Brewfest Kodo (In the DK/Warr)

    10 pages of mounts/8 pages of pets in total.
    I also have The Murloc costume.
    Titles such as The Insane/The Undying/Loremaster/Conqueror of Ulduar/Bane/LoD etc (42 total)

    In the account there are
    Feral cat druid - BiS (PvE) 6.2 (PvP) (6.1 PvE Boomy in the bank) Proffesions - Engineering 450 / 450 & Jewelcrafting 450/450
    Another Feral cat druid - 4.2 (It has only 9 Items on him and they are BiS) Proffesions - Herbalism 450 / 450 & Inscription 450 / 450
    Blood Death Knight - 6k (PvE) Proffesions - Jelewcrafting 450 / 450 & Mining 450 / 450
    Fire Mage - 5.9 (PvE) Proffesions - Tailoring 450/450 & Emgomeeromg 406/450
    MM Hunter - 6.1 (PvE) Proffesions - Enchanting 450/450 & Engineering 430/450
    Fury Warrior - 6k (PvE) Proffesions - Skinning 450 / 450 & Engineering 430/ 450
    (Alliance) Holy Paladin - 4.8 PvP with Rival/Challenger achievments
    (Horde) Retry Paladin - 5.1 (PvE) Proffesions - Leatherworking 420/450

    The priest is basically fresh 80 and the shaman was going to be 70 twink, but after levelling i never actually played.

    For more questions DM me in Discord: #chil2878
    Photos: :you're kidding, rig
    ACC PHOTO.jpgSCRATCHIT.jpgWARR.jpgWoWScrnShot_030224_071317.jpgWoWScrnShot_030224_072005.jpgMAGE.jpgWoWScrnShot_030224_073103.jpgWoWScrnShot_030224_072011.jpgHORDE PALLY.jpgDELFINA.jpgRIVAL.jpg
    Attached Images
    • ACC PHOTO.jpg (272.2 KB)
    • SCRATCHIT.jpg (221.7 KB)
    • WARR.jpg (283.8 KB)
    • WoWScrnShot_030224_071317.jpg (371.2 KB)
    • WoWScrnShot_030224_072005.jpg (400.4 KB)
    • MAGE.jpg (242.4 KB)
    • WoWScrnShot_030224_073103.jpg (409.6 KB)
    • WoWScrnShot_030224_072011.jpg (422.8 KB)
    • HORDE PALLY.jpg (333.6 KB)
    • DELFINA.jpg (311.0 KB)
    • RIVAL.jpg (357.1 KB)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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