Sold Selling Selling VIP Decepticon acct. lvl63, HQ15, with 3 (3 star combiners), 15-4* con

Discussion in 'Transformers Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FC03, 9/19/17.

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  1. FC03

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    Selling VIP Decepticon account lvl63, HQ15, with 3 (3 star combiners), 15- 4* Cons
    asking for 300$
    3 (3* star combiners) including Predaking

    3 Star Devastator Level 6
    3 star Bruticus level 4
    3 star Predaking,
    you will have him in 3 star as well when they release him soon

    146 charcters Cons/# unlocked
    combined power close to 69K

    4 star cons included

    Megatron lvl 47
    Bonecrusher lvl 47
    Offoad lvl46
    Razorclaw lvl43

    Nightbird lvl 46
    Hook lvl47
    Scourge lvl45
    Brawl lvl46
    Thundercracker lvl44
    Brake-neck lvl44
    Skrapnel lvl41
    Octopunch lvl42
    Vortex lvl40
    Cyclonus lvl40
    Swindle lvl37

    4 *Sun streaker

    3 Star cons all of them Unlocked including original Megatron, Scouarge, Razorclaw except hand full of new characters like Megaton Armada, LockDown, Megatron (the Dino version), kickback, Deathsaurus, Galvatron , Hun gurr , Octopunch

    Tons resources and Boosts

    A team pass 8.5k power

    if you are interested PM or IM me on line app for details (Engroid1)

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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