Sold Selling Selling very strong account full cosmos 3.4million might eu s22 !!

Discussion in 'Taichi Panda Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BarzKhalifa, 9/2/17.

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  1. BarzKhalifa

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    Selling my strong account! on my account there is a lot of potential to get even stronger , I didn't even used the right starstones on my cosmos gear , if u inset all good starstones that I have in the slots u gain even better stats.

    Stats are

    Hp 10mio
    dmg 660k
    hit rate 1450%
    Dodge 800%
    crit rate 1970%
    crit ressist 2197%
    crit dmg 4700%
    crit reduction 4400%
    net dmg 178k
    dmg boost 430%
    dmg ressist 300%
    deflec ressist 50%
    deflxt 10%
    Freeze ressist 26%

    On every Cosmos gear I got lvl7 star stones in or higher , my four symbols are all good , all cosmos discovery is 48 and ref lvl 12-14

    i got also the new Rooster mount on tier 5 lvll 80

    and a stack of vippacks left 132 ( worth 13200 topup points )

    Contact me through LINE , LINE ID : ozbarz

    Im selling my Account for 400€ but we can make a deal for a little bit less.

    payments only through PayPal !!!!!!!!!
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