Selling Selling Selling UR account with Alec Mt and more...

Discussion in 'Urban Rivals Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fehdapow, 9/21/17.

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  1. Fehdapow

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    I don't play this for quite a long time. Now i just figured out many of my cards rise so much in price. So, i am interested in selling it.
    Some of the most expensive cards i have: Alec Mt, Glosh, Marco Cr, Kerry, Sledge Cr, C Dusk, Dagg Cr, Dregn, Shaakarti Cr, X-odus, Emeth Cr, Glover, Jane Ramba Cr, Plizken... and many other cards that is worth 20.000 clintz or less. 314 cards in total.

    I don't want to make profit of everything i have because i know some of those cards is worth money, all i wan't is to get rid of an account i don't want anymore and buy something from it.

    So, all i am asking is a 30$ expansion from the game Guild wars 2 called Path of Fire.

    This is how we going to trade: I will give you an account i made on Nuuvem so you can buy the expansion and leave the code there, i will make the activation to make sure and i will sent you the account. From there you can ask for a e-mail Change or sell all the cards for your own account or whatever you want...

    If you wanna talk to me, leave your skype or facebook below and i will contact you. I already sold an League of Legends account and i can send you that guy contact so you can ask him if i am trustable.
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