Sold Selling selling unique W finger set, adbs Windoffury lore etc

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HenHeii, 5/6/17.

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  1. HenHeii

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    Hello selling unique account current in mt hua
    Acc have x2 page weap lore it is male account

    3star dar gold stealth
    3star mozi sword
    3 star dragon fire quaterstaff
    +2 page of normal lores

    Also have clothe lore includeing
    A 499G cloak - Drunk flower brocade cloak black
    Scholar costume 199G
    Inexorable stealth 199G
    Golden robe 199G
    Red fur minch 199G

    Set it has that
    Joined finger set lvl 3 including parrybuff but no copy
    Adbs full set lv 3
    Curled branch lvl 8
    Buddha palm lvl 8
    Dragon slap lv 6
    Wind of fury open lvl 12
    Blood blade secret open to lvl 8
    Shura blade lvl 8
    Eight trigram lvl 6
    Crazed soul chase lvl 6

    Has all usuable skill TWA, FH Circle moin, disguise lvl 2, far and removed.
    Weap manual is
    347 barehand
    130 blade
    194 quaterstaff
    X20% bracer + annote for joined finger rage.

    Merds are
    Beggar 180
    Rg 180 - reverse almost max
    Wudang 144
    Tangmen 180
    180 shao
    144 emei

    mengmeng horsy for travel
    Bird for mail.

    Inner using - BBC lvll 62. Once 63 open max merd.
    Has bloodblade jianghu lvl 49 for those pesky mort spam healers lel
    Poison toad open lvl 52

    Full jade c6
    Has quaterstaff sword, blade and twin blade jade c6 chef.
    Has 4 pieces gear still c5 but provided with jade poweder and binding agent and pure yang sword if u want upgrade n finish

    Has 1.4k aggress
    Lvled companion ; (
    300 5th inmer cult pill. Currnetly getting lvl 36 to get free merds
    Lots of desoluated beeast stone
    Lots of school cert from all school
    Above 200 for few and few only 50 remaining. And 350 rightous punish evil. Used 800 open wind of fury

    Ik joined finger maybe lvl 3. But rage still hurts eh. Lots of room for improvement

    Selling price 300 but can be negotiate
    Contact skype Johnsonz123
    Or leave offer below. But prefer skype as quick reply.
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