Selling Selling Selling ultimate edition account + 5000vbucks (bought over 10k for 100€ )

Discussion in 'Fortnite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by ShankShow, 8/13/17.

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  1. ShankShow

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    cause of time issues I am trying to sell my ultimate Edition Account just to cut my losses.

    I bought the account for 250€ and invested another 100€ in VBBUCKS, of which 5200VBUCKS (I still do quests but dont spend any so it gets more) are left on the account and the rest got spent on Llamas which is the reason why the account has a bunch of legendaries obviously. 11 legendary heroes (8limited), 11 legendary survivors, 11 legendary weapons and so on.

    pretty much all you need to know you can find here tho written in german it comes with a bunch of pictures that will let you see what you get.

    I want 200€ for the account and created a neutral E-Mail and had them change it already, you can change all the personal data in the account by yourself, only the current country is something you would need to E-Mail the support to get that changed. I changed both my Nickname and my E-Mail via support, they did that within 24 hours so no problems there.

    Payment only via paypal and up front, if you don't trust me that is ok but I won't throw away a 350€ account with no security either. Hope you can understand that.

    Thanks for your time and interest!

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