Sold Selling Selling two dofus accounts level 199/200 only £30 each (Dofus kamas accepted)

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Harry28, 4/9/17.

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  1. Harry28

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    I have two accounts for sale on Shika.

    Account 1: £30

    Class: Eniripsa
    Stats: Scrolled to 100 on: Vitality/Wisdom/Strength/Intelligence.
    Other information: This account has a Cra on Rushu at level 158.

    Account 2: £40

    Character 1
    Class: Eliotrope
    Stats: Not scrolled

    Character 2
    Level: 198
    Class: Rogue
    Stats: Vitality scrolled to 100

    I quit this game about a year ago and I thought I might as well sell the accounts.

    As I am new to this site I will most likely require a middleman unless the buyer has a good rating.

    Not really sure what info I should put on so give me a message if you want to know anything else.

    Willing to trade for dofus kamas.

    Message me on here to discuss the price, willing to negotiate.
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