Selling Selling Trap Account 257,6 Billion Power SH25 VIP 26 Hero 70

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by joshua22, 12/2/16.

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  1. joshua22

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    I want to sell my GOW Trap Account.

    power: 257.600.632.089 billion
    gold: 41.394.982
    hero lvl: max. Lvl 70
    vip: max. Lvl 26
    SH: 25
    troop power: 155.131.378.236 billion
    troop count: 8.285.612.263 billion
    troop types: 2.1 billion T4 of all types, 6.1 billion T1-T3 (mostly T2-3 5,2 billion of all types)
    research power: 76.208.798.490 billion
    hero research tree: all researches (except advanced eco tree and gem set tree) 100% done Advanced and gem set tree 4/10
    core gear: all core gears, like perses, justice, artemis, hydra, atlas, aura and special black friday core sets availiable
    set gear: all set gears availiable including obsidian
    gem sets: all special new gem sets availiable, like bolster, aigis and so on
    materials: every kind of material to craft sets and cores availiable
    rss: over 20 trillion of each
    speed ups: 50-60 thousand
    vip points: 5 billion points to possible vip 27
    hero points: over 3,1 trillion exp for possible lvl 71
    hero medals: 1,2 million
    power essence: 32 million
    booster: tons of high end boster like march size, dd, d, and ad and so on
    hemlock: 13x 45 minutes, 12x 60 minutes
    city research: all new buildings are availiable or maxed (except graveyard)
    banner: all new banner are availiable

    give me offers over the app LINE

    add me on line: RazMaTazz

    pay methods which are accepted: paypal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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