Selling top tier DB account 15 Keys -Helios +Ult -Pluto +Ult -Epsilon +Ult -Tiehr +Ult -Sasha +Ult -Askr +Ult -Ouranus +Ult -Morgana +Ult -Iota +Ult -Tethys +Ult -Shiva +max -Stigma +max -Omega +max -Gaia +0 4 Max Trans TBA +max TDC +max TRG +max TBW +max 37 Ult dieties Several pages of U dual cards, allies geared with top tier equips, U accessories, SSS/U gems, spare essence. Consistently ranked top 50 in pretty much every mode. I've spent a lot of time on this account and won't quit even if it's sold. Will only take serious offers ($600+). Msg me on here if you need any further information. Ways of payment can be discussed.