Sold Selling Selling Top level SWGOH account

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by Bjorne Fellhanded, 9/26/17.

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  1. Bjorne Fellhanded

    Bjorne Fellhanded
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    Extremely well developed IOS account. Self financing (takes arena 1st daily). Can take Fleet 1st/2nd daily if you could be bothered (I cant anymore). In an incredible guild - good communication (uses discord for comms), good personalities, good leadership, consistent rewards from Rancor, HAAT, 37 stars TB and growing steadily.

    Crouching Rancor hides nothing so look it over.

    If you need any clarity, drop me a line. I couldn't be bothered listing all attributes (omegas, zetas, gear 11, gear 12, etc) as they are extensive and covered in exquisite detail on SWGOH.GG. Theres simply no lying about the account.

    The basics though - you have 2 arena teams that don't rely on mod switching to dispatch any team you currently face. GK lead, Zariss, DN, Thrawn, R2 to deal with stall teams. CLS lead, Han, R2, GK, Thrawn to deal with anything else.

    2 million GP for TB.

    Phoenix now positioned and ready to take Thrawn from 5 stars to 7 stars when the event next appears.

    Rancor solo team that doesn't rely on mod switching. 4 teams for all phases of HAAT that don't rely on mod switching. Minimum of 2 spare items of every Purple level gear in case you wish to switch team directions. 4 spare cuffs, 3 spare stun guns, 3 spare carbs and screenshots for anything you wish to see. 8000 crystals, 7mil credits, 6mil fleet credits.

    Farming last character in cantina shop (mob enforcer -finishing in 2 weeks). Farming last character in squad arena shop (Eth Koth - finishing in 1 day). Farming last 2 characters in guild store (Zam Wessel and Gamorrean Guard (both 2 months out). Farming last character in GW (Bohdi - finished in 3 days). Account about to generate a huge amount of shard currency daily to purchase gear with from newly revamped shard shop.

    Set up for Australia 6pm arena payout, 7pm fleet arena payout. No arena competition )Take first anytime after 3pm and stay unmolested till 6pm. Has taken first daily for months. Theres an arena discord chat that Ive never joined but keeps everything civilised.

    Fleet is more competitive, but again, a shard chat. Fleet Arena 1st place for the payout time is shared with a fellow guild member fellow Australian and is uncontested apart from him (good guy too). Fleet has a choice of Admiral Akbar lead to deal with Mace lead, or Tarkin lead to deal with other Tarkin leads.

    All in all, excellent communication and a steady flow of 500 crystals daily and 1st or 2nd fleet currency daily grants you the flexibility to take the account where you wish.

    The logistics of the transfer will take some discussing to ensure fairness and trust but we'll muddle through. Would ideally suit someone in Sydney who can verify everything with some face time.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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