Sold Selling Selling TOP LENA NA 310/430/490

Discussion in 'Heroes of Incredible Tales Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LuluKileru, 4/9/17.

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  1. LuluKileru

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    Selling My main account which includes a top lv kiki lv 80 with 240k/320k/370k including materials for lv 40 transcendence and my main character Lena with stats 310k/430k/490k. Account is in top 5 guild and in extremely good relations with the guild. Account has all the runes immortal apart from the green skill crit and recover hp.

    Lena has maxed pvp damage reduction and attack,damage reduction,65+ crit rate with over 520% crit damage. If played able to get top 5 in diamond. Lots of tickets items and magic stones +all armors have fusioned jewels. Maxed s3 gear and weapon with full mana. Maxed accesories,incredible costumes all capes and wings the new ones. If someone can get one more immortal recover hp rune overall recover hp will be maxed as well. Lena HAS MAXED CRIT DAMAGE FOR PVE . THE LAST PET MAXED WITH SECOND FULL MANA WEAPON.
    Account has 12 growth packs available. Spent over 2k on this account.

    Looking for serious offers, add me on Line app as hitonly.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Screenshots available on request of course. Looking forward for a buyer.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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