Sold Selling Selling the best fresh account ever! 6 ssr for a good price! Only 80 db used!

Discussion in 'Captain Tsubasa Dream Team Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by alexpetrone, 2/20/18.

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  1. alexpetrone

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    Selling probably the best fresh account ever. This account has Muller + Misugi DF + Kaltz + Misaki green + Hyuga Neo Tiger oonly 80 used dreamballs (I have only done the 3 millions download celebration multipull and the first guaranteed SSR banner of 50 dreamballs), but I have achieved ONLY 11 DREAMBALLS from the story (the other 69 has been achieved from missions, daily rewards and so on). So it's still a fresh account with lots of dreamballs - ....

    Selling Selling the best fresh account ever! 6 ssr for a good price! Only 80 db used!
    #1 alexpetrone, 2/20/18
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/5/18
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