Selling Selling Selling Star Citizen Alpha account, with Aurora LN upgrade 62.50$

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Teejay1, 4/25/17.

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  1. Teejay1

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    Star Citizen full account.
    Aurora LN gunship upgrade.

    Payed 62.50$ myself, So expect same amount for it, as it's alpha.
    Also has 5000 UEC, worth money as well, that you get for free.
    Only 92 REC left, haven't played much.
    Remember to login to, and clicking top right on my RSI. From there you can change your account name, and access code after you purchase it. But I will never use the account after I sold it. But just in case it's better to mention it.
    Also if there are anything, feel free to ask me before you buy it.
    The game is great, simply don't have the time for it. And it also seems to advanced for me.

    Price 62.50$ as I payed.
    Hope to hear from you.

    NB: As uploading the pictures on this site, seem to have no effect. I post the links here to see the pictures.
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