Smite account played since season 2 217 skins and most of them are exclusives/limited 66 voice packs No god pack but i have all the gods bought even Hachiman Ward skins 22 10 announcer packs Divisions : s2 Plat 4/s3 diamond 5/s4 round 1 diamond 1,round 2 diamond and round 3 currently d2 with 94 tp 23 diamond gods Here are all the exclusive skins: - Ah Muzen Cab (Sworm Sentry and Solid Hornet), Amaterasu (Foxy), Anubis (Adjucator), Aphrodie (Aphra Cadabra), Apollo (Curse and Vicious), Ares (Fernando), Artemis (Primal Huntress and Oak Seer), Athena ( Liberte, Peacekeeper and Enforcer), Bacchus (The King and Hot'N Holler), Bellona (Spl 2016,Rock-A-Bellona and Pro League), Camazotz (Terror-Dactyl), Erlang (Monster Trainer), Fafnir (Griffin Dwarf), Freya (Get Server), Geb (Snowman), Guan Yu (Convention 2014 and Guan Unicorn), Hercules (Retrocles), Hou Yi (Iron Crow), Izanami (Plague Bearer), Janus (JT-6000), Kali (Skaliwag), Khepri (Chef's Special), Kukulkan (Gentleman and Void Wyirm), Kumbhakarna (Kumbhalayan Yeti), Loki (White Death), Medusa (Idusa Elite), Mercury (Prizefighter,Shaolin Fury and Modern Messenger), Neith (Buccaneith and Scarlet Dangerfield), Nemesis (Silent Blade and Executioner), Nike (Conqueror), Nu Wa (Water Dance,Old Wa,Oktoberfest and Aurum), Osiris (Frankentohotep), Ra (Solar Eclipse,Alienware,Sunstar and Ra'merica), Rama (Last Commando), Ravana (Rock From Bisrakh), Sobek (Land Shark and Soarbek), Sun Wu Kong (Sun Wu Xing), Susano (Steel Samurai), Sylvanus (High Noon and Dr. Vanus), Terra (Igneous,Spriggan and Dropkick), Morrigan Woodland Rogue), Ullr (Berserker), Vamana (Cangaceiro), Xbalanque (Spl 2015 NA/EU), Xing Tian (Iron Tyrant), Ymir (Boss TwichYmir and baron FrostChild), Payment method : PayPal Contact:twitter @Mar1us7_ yahoo mail:[email protected]