Selling Selling Selling skyforge Eu account 650k prestige

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ectoplasm, 9/28/16.

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  1. Ectoplasm

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    Account have:

    8,500,000 credits in limit
    40k+ evolution/class sparks
    All classes unlocked and maxed
    God of travel,Hunt,Authority, knowledge and divine atlas maxed
    13 Mounts including Glider
    Distortions A1-C4 completed
    All temples legendary and have legendary adept for every class
    Bought almost every P2w item from market (Don't have ability set 3/4,Loot picker or revive master because they are useless)
    Account have 5 legendary rings and enough fluids in limit to get another 2 rings (Pioneer,executioner,shimmering,destruction,hope)
    Alot of packs bought for account (you can ask more information about them)
    Lots of unique clothes
    80 focus of faith to use (each gives 100 faiths)
    Epic trophies for every invasion army
    5700+ tactical sense
    50k spark replicators
    Vector of destruction rank 14, vector of creation rank 13, vector of balance rank 13
    2500+ hours playtime on account.

    Will sell this account for cheap price. add my skype and offer for account: jajoha95

    - - - Updated - - -
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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