The account has 258.623k Prestige, has all classe unlocked and mastered. 15987 Proficiency 17600 Greatness 2695 Tactical Sense 184 Cold Resistance 640 Electricity Resistance 296 Poison Resistance 187 Radiation Resistance 114 Hypnosis Resistance 181 Astral Resistance 132 inventory slots Good gear for some classes in inventory God of Authority and God of Travel unlocked, Divine Atlas unlocked all just need the Specializations 677,043 Spark of Insight limits so you can make 350-400k Prestige fast 3253 Tactical Sense limits 154k Followers 2 Temple Max Rank, and the others are purple All adepts Purple 3 Mounts unlocked All symbols unlocked I also give the account with the email, so you don't need to send ticket to change email again. Price 60 Euro negociable For more info add me on skype : iDenis08