Selling Selling Selling really good 2-3 year old realm account

Discussion in 'Realm of the Mad God Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Patgmo, 10/3/16.

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  1. Patgmo

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    I'm just done with this game after investing over 1500 dollars in it, it is no longer fun. I have a very good account that I Am selling for about ⅓ of its actual value. If you are trying to get the account before you pay don’t even message me. This account is going for about 300 dollars but i am open to negotiation for less. This account includes:

    • 16 character slots
    • Every character in the game ⅛ for def and level 20
    • 12 Unbound Health Rings
    • Legendary pet: 90 heal 90 electric 77 magic heal
    • 3 coral bows, 2 coral armor and 5 coral traps
    • Lots of assorted UT’s(skype for screenshots)
    • Lots of assorted pots and other stuff
    • 3 Oryx the mad god sets
    • 1 ghost of skuld set
    • Most of the vault is bought
    • Best skins for every character(skype for details)
    • Ancient Stone Sword
    • ⅞ warrior, 6/8 knight, 6/8 pally 2/8 wizard etc (skype for details)
    • Every character has tops and special items

    This is only a some of the stuff that is on the account. Skype me for questions, screenshots and details!

    Skype: Patrick.barack
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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