Having a Puzzle and Dragons account in NA allows me to in-app-purchase, which I kind of want to stop doing. I started this account in March of 2013, so it will shortly be reaching 4 years. As of now, I am kind of tired of playing NA PAD and want to start a new account from scratch in JP. I have spent countless of hours and money into this game. Here are the stats: Rank-710 Crowns-4 Friend Space-50 Box Space- 725 0 STONE as of this post Coins-197mil MP- 832K +297 Monsters- 50 Most monsters that are in meta are full awoken and max skilled. There are too many monsters this account has to list, so I will screen shot the box. Other details of this account will be uploaded as well. I have spent over $2k on this account so the selling price I am thinking of is about $400. If anyone is interested and/or have any questions, please message me at ryojmurao@gmail.com. Price is # and I will be using a middleman to secure the transaction. Thank you for your support. BOX: http://imgur.com/a/Mz8iI