Sold Selling Selling: Rank 591 Semi-Whale/8MP monsters/200k mp

Discussion in 'Puzzle & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by r.souikane, 11/30/17.

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  1. r.souikane

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    PaD has been making me somewhat depressed for a while, so I think it's for the best that I sell my account. I've iap-ed about $1,000.

    Here is my box:
    Quick Summary -
    Rank 591
    75 297+
    200k mp
    8 mp monsters (one of them being Light Hera Dragon)

    I'm selling my account for $650, this is #. If interested or would like to know more, please PM me.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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