Selling Selling [Selling] Rainbow Six Siege Private Undetected #

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by BattleBye, 8/29/17.

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  1. BattleBye

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    Hello everyone,

    Let me begin by saying that the details here will be limited for obvious reasons. If you are interested, please contact me on Skype or privately.

    My skype ID is: [email protected]

    This is a private # for Rainbow Six Siege. There are only 20 slots available.

    The only accepted method of payment will be PayPal or BTC. If you use PayPal, your PayPal MUST be verified.

    Undetected Battle Eye Bypass
    Auto Aim
    No Recoil and No Spread Modifier
    In Game Radar
    Name Spoofer

    Windows 10 Home or Pro
    Must be 18 years of age
    I-5 or I-7 Processor, no AMD

    There is a $200 initial fee to purchase a slot. After that you will pay $60 a month to keep your membership active. The initial fee will pay for the first month. At any time you can pause your subscription for up to 15 days, thus giving you a 15 day grace period to pay after the month is up. If you fail to renew your monthly dues, you will lose your slot.

    I will provide video proof, either by live stream, YouTube video or screenshare via Skype to show the # before purchase.

    Please be aware, I will not be releasing this # until September 2nd so that I may fill the slots or prepare for the amount of slots sold. You may reserve a slot, but you MUST pay by September 2nd or you will lose your slot.

    Thank you all and have a great day!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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