Sold [Selling] Selling Power Leveling Service

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MagnaCarta, 1/16/17.

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  1. MagnaCarta

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    Standart / Breach SC :

    1-50 LvL With Bandits Quest : 30 $(1 Day )
    1-60 LvL With Bandits Quest : 45 $ (1,2 Days )
    1-70 LvL Wtih Bandits Quest : 70 $ (2,3 Days )

    %100 Manuel Farm

    1. Once you make a payment contact me with the account info of your build/passive tree(if any) and what character(s) you want to level via PM

    2. Wait for me to complete your powerleveling, DO NOT LOG IN THE MEANTIME!

    3. Once it's done i'll PM you so you can safely log in.

    4. You get your account back (it's advisable to change your pass), confirm the transaction and leave a feedback

    IMPORTANT: During powerleveling process DO NOT log in to your account, please wait for me to complete your powerleveling first, you can ask for the progress if you want and i will send you the screenshots.

    NOTE: This includes powerleveling your characters only, NOT giving you endgame items.

    Thanks for using my service.

    I accept only skrill payments

    Skype : operation.dynamo
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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