Hi guys ! After 2 years I've decided that I will sell my neverwinter account... * Acc has 2 Character slot [HR lvl 62 & GF lvl 70] Hunter ranger was just for fun, and I didnt put any effort or money in it, so its probably best if you delete it so every thing below will be described for Guardian Fighter lvl 70 * VIP level 12 with 76 days left [30.12.2016] http://prntscr.com/dpicqe * All proffesions are level 25 only black ice is not, idk how to lvl up http://prntscr.com/dpie0v * 2045 TARMALUNE BARS and a lot of stuff idk what it is http://prntscr.com/dpiemh * 1008 EPIC DUNGEON chest Key and 28 ENCHANTED KEYS [+ 76 from VIP] http://prntscr.com/dpig7s * Sylvan Stag mount, Blue Ribbon Pig and normal Horse http://prntscr.com/dpihp6 * 6 Companions from level 25 to 35 ... http://prntscr.com/dpiik9 * I have a lot of stuff in BANK that idk what is good and what is not, maybe u can tell from screenshot http://prntscr.com/dpijt1 http://prntscr.com/dpijyh I am the guild leader, but nobody from guild is playing, so every thing is for sale http://prntscr.com/dpik9c and this is my Personal BANK http://prntscr.com/dpikvm * I've stop playing before I realy build my character, so it still kinda sucks, but Ive managed to get the Dusk Ward set and the artifact Sigil of the guardian which is curently level 71 http://prntscr.com/dpim9q * 132 SLOT Invetory with artifact that calls "shop guy" , so its great for farming * bunch of stuff under Proffesion Invetory that you could sell .. http://prntscr.com/dpio21 ================================================== ======================= I think I've described almost every thing, if u have any questions just PM me and I will gladly answer you, if you do the math u can see, that just from selling stuf and over 100 Enchated keys, u can get about 4 or maybe 5 milions of astral diamonds, curent amount is only 300.000 , cause I've spend it on proffesions and there is also 1014 ZEN left.. I would like to have 50eur paypal for this acc, or ANY M9 bayonet skin for CS:GO. Thanks a lot that you take time for reading all this and if you are intersted, send me PM or add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/zagarr/ Cheers !