Sold [Selling] Selling Neverwinter Astral Diamonds and items,7x24 online service

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wtsitem-Susan, 1/18/17.

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  1. Wtsitem-Susan

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    WTS Neverwinter Diamonds and Currency,7x24 online service,Cheap price and 30mins-2hours delivery time Guaranteed
    1) price
    $11.35/M for Diamond-Dragon
    $32/M PS4-Diamond
    $18.55M Xbox one-Diamond
    Bonding rank12=39usd
    Radiant,Azure,Cruel rank12=20usd
    2)delivery time
    usually 10 mins- 2hours
    3)delivery method
    mail or face to face

    (1),how does it work
    order there,Buy Neverwinter Astral Diamonds,fast and safe delivery. comfirm email should be arrived in your paypal email,just follow it.
    i would appreciated if you add a comments on this thread after you get your gold

    (2),how to contact me.
    email:[email protected]

    You can add my skype and we can both do vedio talk if you are afraid of being scammed.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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