Selling Selling Selling my second account cheap, just see it.

Discussion in 'Crash Fever Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by OshinoMeme, 11/10/17.

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  1. OshinoMeme

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    Hii~ I'm Oshino and I'm selling my second account because I havent time to play with 2 accounts. This account is perfect to beginners or people that want to do the ultimate quests. This account has a lot of good units like Schrodinger, Lagrange, Hubble, Dark Catman, etc..

    If someone is interested you can add me to Skype: Theavery45 or Discord: Shinobu is my Bae#4448

    This is my folder:

    With this account you cant keep getting fun playing ultimate wizards and farming events!

    # price or swap accounts (Trade accounts).

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