Sold Selling Selling my personal account(2 lvl 40+)

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hitch1993, 12/23/16.

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  1. hitch1993

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    I am selling my account that has the collector edition(HV and AAR).

    It has a Level 46 Paladin with level 15 conjurer and is a Roegadyn / Sea Wolf / ♂ on the server Adamantoise in NA.
    It has a level 43 Warrior with level 15 Gladiator and is a Au Ra / Xaela / ♂ and is on the server of Exodus in NA.

    It still has like 1 or 2 weeks of gametime in it!

    I am selling it because I dont play anymore and I wanna get ride of it.

    Message me on here or skype: danzo.acker (its a picture with 2 lions).

    Thank you and have a good day :)
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