Selling Selling Selling my Lvl 69 account, 206 Skins, 35 Voicepacks, 1.8k Gems, 80 masteries

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by GhPwner, 7/31/17.

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  1. GhPwner

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    Hello, I'm looking to sell my personal smite account as i quit paying the game many months ago and spent a lot of money on this game, so i would like to get some back. It's level 69 with the godpack, 1,856 gems, 80 gods mastered, 2 diamonds, 206 skins (18 Limited Skins, 76 Exclusive) full skin and voicepack list below. Has a lot of rare skins and T5 Anubis, Sea Maiden Medusa, Xing Tings Mountain Avatar. It's also a paladins founder account, so you get that as well, already has smite tactics alpha key on it so you can just download the game. Avatars, loading frames, pedestals, ward skins, global emotes, recall skins, announcer packs, music themes, and HUD theme screenshots all below in the imgur link. Payment method is via paypal only, will not go first. I have trade reputation on my steam profile, 17 successful trades on another website, and i am a trusted seller of expensive enamel hat pins. Have tons of proof, we can talk on here, discord, skype, or steam. Whichever you'd prefer, either pm me or comment. Looking for $200 (#).

    Agni: Volcanic, Swagni, Curse Agni(Exclusive), Gemini(Exclusive)
    Ah Muzen Cab: Dark Whisper, Killer Bee
    Ah Puch: Galactic Invader
    Amaterasu: Shining Heaven, Ordo Solarus, Foxy(Exclusive), SWC 2017(Exclusive)
    Anhur: Duke Dan De Lyons(Exclusive), Clan Skin
    Anubis: Stargazer, Convention 2016(Exclusive), Adjudicator(Exclusive), Demonic Pact(T5)(Limited)
    Ao Kuang: Dragon King
    Aphrodite: Afro-Dite
    Apollo: TSM(Exclusive), Curse(Exclusive), Vicious(Limited), 2017 Challenger(Limited)
    Arachne: Black Widow, Grim Weaver(Exclusive)
    Ares: Diamond Sword, Fernando(Exclusive), Spectral Sword(Exclusive), Gold
    Artemis: Stalker(Exclusive), Oak-Seer(Exclusive)
    Athena: High Counselor, Red Star, Shield of the Gorgon, Liberte(Exclusive), Allegiance(Exclusive)
    Awilix: Renegade
    Bacchus: Hoot N’ Holler(Exclusive)
    Bakasura: Ravenous, Laughing Skull
    Bastet: Epsilon(Exclusive), Crimson Ops(Exclusive)
    Bellona: Battle Maiden, Torment, Furiona(Exclusive), SPL 2016(Exclusive), Rock-A-Bellona(Exclusive)
    Cabrakan: Rampage, Nerd Rage(Exclusive)
    Camazotz: Penumbra, Jurassic(Exclusive)
    Chaac: Hailstorm, Boom Chaac-A-Laka, Brazil(Exclusive), Latin America(Exclusive), Einherjar(Limited), Storm Jarl(Limited), Gold
    Cahng’e: Enchanted, Lunar Tango(Exclusive), Intergalactic(Limited), Gold
    Chiron: Chevalier, HellRider, Constable Moosjaw(Exclusive), Gold
    Chronos: Fallen Lord
    Cupid: Lil Devil, Bizzy B(Exclusive)
    Erlang Shang: Illustrious
    Fafnir: Covetous, GriffinDrawf(Limited)
    Fenrir: Frostfange, Metal Carnage, Lord Slashington the 3rd(Exclusive)
    Freya: Valkyrie, Pixel Buster(Exclusive), Get Served(Exclusive)
    Geb: Molten Fury, G.E.B.1
    Guan Yu: Master Guan **
    Hades: Soultaker, Grim Wraith(Exclusive), Heebee Chibi(Exclusive)
    He Bo: He Bro
    Hel: Solstice, Expelled
    Hercules: Grand Slam, Legion, La Roca(Exclusive)
    Hou Yi: Sunbreaker, Hou Ru Kai, Grim Eclipse(Exclusive)
    Hun Batz: Shaolin Monk-ey, Hun.Bat
    Isis: Clan
    Izanami: Dark Matron, Plague-Bearer(Exclusive)
    Janus: Gatekeeper, Jandroid, Riftshaker, Keymaster(Exclusive), Ba5s Drop(Exclusive), JT-6000(Limited)
    Jing Wei: Reborn, Pool Party(Exclusive)
    Kali: Skaliwag(Exclusive), Valkalli(Limited), Blood Jarl(Limited), Gold
    Khepri: Chef’s Special(Exclusive), Convention 2017(Exclusive), Clan, Gold
    Kukuklan: Typhoon, Sacred Dragon, Kuku(Exclusive)
    Kumbhakarna: Rip Van Kumbha, Kumbhalayan Yeti(Exclusive), Gold, Diamond
    Loki: Infiltrator, Joki, Grim Mariachi(Exclusive), White Death(Exclusive), Last Laugh(Limited)
    Medusa: Sea Maiden(Limited), Gold
    Mercury: Centurion, Run.Exe(Exclusive), Shaolin Fury(Exclusive)
    Ne Zha: Cyberpunk, Fire Lord
    Neith: Instakill(Exclusive), Scarlet Dangerfield(Exclusive), Gold
    Nemesis: Leona JPF(Exclusive), Silent Blade(Exclusive), Modern Mercenary(Limited)
    Nike: Conqueror(Limited)
    Nox: Madame Darkness
    Nu Wa: Water Dancer, Aurum(Exclusive), Challenger(Exclusive), Ace(Exclusive), Old Wa(Exclusive)
    Odin: The Huntsman, Mountain Man, Daimyodin, Worlds Collide, Pandamonium(Exclusive)
    Poseidon: Dreadbeard
    Ra: Solar Sentinel, Solar Eclipse(Exclusive), Alienware(Exclusive) , Ra’Merica(Exclusive) ,Sunstar(Limited),
    Raijin: Devil’s Horns, Gold
    Rama: Natures Guardian, Orbital Strike(Exclusive), Last Commando(Limited)
    Ratatoskr: Flurry ,Ragnatoskr(Exclusive)
    Scylla: Tiny Terror, Child’s Play(Exclusive), Prototype(Exclusive)
    Serqet: Desert Queen, Demonsoul, Dread Queen(Exclusive)
    Skadi: Winters Wraith, Ski Patrol, Frostbound, Gold
    Sobek: Land Shark(Exclusive)
    Sol: Epsolon(Exclusive), Meltdown(Exclusive)
    Sun Wukong: Silver Sage ,Sun Wu Xing(Limited)
    Susano: Steel Samurai(Exclusive), Luminosity
    Sylvanus: Permafrost
    Terra: Igneous(Exclusive), Spriggan(Exclusive)
    Thanatos: Soul Harvester
    The Morrigan: Woodland Rogue(Limited)
    Thor: Heavy Metal, Righteous Hammer, Blood Eagle, Iron Gamer, Wrath of Valhalla
    Tyr: King Ar-Tyr, Hail To The King(Exclusive)
    Ullr: Strider, Wyrm Slayer
    Vulcan: Warforged
    Xbalanque: Jag.Rar(Exclusive), Gold
    Ymir: Obsidian Shard, Digi-Mir9000, Boss Twitchymir(Exclusive), Baron Frostchild(Exclusive)
    Zeus: Almighty, Wraith of Olympus, X
    Zhong Kui: G.I.Zhong

    Ah Muzen Cab
    Ah Puch
    Guan Yu
    Hou Yi
    Jing Wei
    Ne zha
    Xing Tian
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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