Account 1 with 6k lapis and 74 tickets Notable units: 1x 5* Tidus 2x 5* Elieen 1x 5* Trance Terra 1x 5* Foren 5x 4* Rikku 2x 4* Refia 1x 4* Setzer 1x 4* Ashe 1x 4* Luka 3x 4* Vanille 2x 4* Warrior of Light 1x 4* Chizuru 3x 3* Zidane 2x 3* Abel 1x 3* Cecil 2x 3* Firion 1x 3* Ludmille 1x 3* Exdeath 3x 3* Wakka Full Unit List: Account 2 with 3k lapis and 81 tickets Notable units: 1x 5* Tidus 1x 5* Hunter Lasswell 1x 5* Lenneth 1x 5* Foren 1x 4* Rikku 1x 4* Agrias 1x 4* Ashe 2x 4* Leonhart 2x 4* Chizuru 2x 3* Zidane 2x 3* Abel 3x 3* Cecil 2x 3* Firion 3x 3* Ludmille 2x 3* Exdeath 2x 3* Wakka 1x 3* Miyuki 2x 3* Xiao Full Unit List: PM me with offer or to add skype EGadamm