Sold Selling Selling Multiple Characters including 85 Deadly Chaser and the "Elsword" Name

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pentrep, 6/25/17.

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  1. pentrep

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    This is my Elsword account which I've had for many years and no longer play anymore. The account has 4 characters in total, all of which have some sorta of exclusive costume. 2 of the characters have all 6 item slots unlocked and all of them have the B skill set unlocked. Every character has every skill available up to the level in which they are at. There is a 85 Deadly Chaser, a 48 Lord Knight, a 48 Rune Slayer, and a 45 Magic Knight. The Deadly Chaser does not have a full costume set but has 2 pieces of the Blue Millennium Fox costume sealed (Shoes and Shirt) plus it has the shoes from the blue waiter set. It's item level is 138 and is wearing the Professional +8 Set as well as a number of accessories. The Lord Knight has the old Nasod Battle set and is equipped with the +6 Old Altera set for an item level of 57. The Magic Knight has the Dragon Knight set and has various pieces of gear making him an item level of 44. Finally the Rune Slayer has the Sumatran Tiger set and is also equipped with the +6 Old Altera set for an item level of 59. Outside of costumes the most lucrative thing on this account is the character name on the Rune Slayer. This characters name is the ONLY one with "Elsword". I very often get mistaken mail because people think they are mailing it to their own character. The name alone is very valuable but this account is very lucrative, in my opinion, even without it. I am looking to recoup some of my costs on this game. I am asking for about $250 but am willing to entertain offers. PM me with questions or offers. I will very proof of the name upon request. Please note this is an NA account. There is about 681 Million ED in hard assets and another 320 Million in liquid assets.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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