Selling Selling Selling Multiple Accounts via Paypal!

Discussion in 'Love Live! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Melissa_0879, 3/18/17.

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  1. Melissa_0879

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    Hello! I´m selling multiple LLSIF Accounts (JP and en) Via PayPal.

    Here Are the Accounts:

    Just tell me, which Account you want (I Put numbers before the Account, so that nobody is confused, so please tell me the number of the account that you want and I´ll send you pictures from that account).

    Ways to contact me:
    Twitter: Yuzuki_Chii
    Instagram.: Melissa_0879
    Skype: NaturalHarmonia21
    Email: [email protected]

    You dont have to comment on this post, you can just contact me, if you are interested in buying an Account. I´ll send you the Code ASAP, after you did the Payment. (I´m online 24/7)
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